Slobodanka Graham


Want to know how to fly and travel with carry on only?

Planepack provides advice, tips, interviews and podcasts to fly and travel light.

No more dirty socks! How to travel lightly and still smell fresh.

No more dirty socks! How to travel lightly and still smell fresh.

When Mr PetMan and I first discussed traveling with hand luggage only, his concern was whether he’d have enough clothes for the duration of the trip.

‘I need a clean shirt/polo top and clean undies and socks every day,’ insisted Mr PetMan.

‘But you can wash your clothes,’ I countered. ‘We’re staying at hotels where they have washing services.’

‘Oh,’ he said, ‘I hadn’t thought of that.’

I think Mr PetMan expected to launder his own clothes - visions of damp socks crisscrossing the hotel bathroom on a thin line, steaming the mirrors as he tried to shave.

‘We’ll hand over our things to the hotel staff once or twice. It’s not expensive and it saves on us carrying too many things.’ I said.

And that’s what we do. At the end of the first week, we pack our soiled gear into the bags provided by the hotel and by the end of the day everything is returned, washed, folded and separated into his and hers. Why would you want to carry excess baggage when you can have your clothes looked after so beautifully?


Muscles not required! Travel light - and leave quickly.

Muscles not required! Travel light - and leave quickly.

What colour is your wardrobe?

What colour is your wardrobe?